Happy Thanksgiving CNCF

As we all gather around a dinner table and give thanks for life, faith, family, and friends. We at ThnkBiG would like to take this opportunity to thank The CNCF.


Thank you, Kubernetes for all of your many components. etcd, container images, kubelet containers, pods, cni, deployments, services, secrets, kube-proxy, ingress controllers, service discovery, cri, kube-api, annotations, labels, error budgets, kube-scheduler, storage classes


Thank you for allowing us to collect and store metrics in ways that make sense and to write remotely to other Promethei or another destination


Thank you for all your pretty dashboards and for always keeping yourself up to do


Thank you for giving us the ability to send messages within a cluster to tell other services what to do


Thank you for giving us a single pane of glass to view, manage, import, and deploy all of our clusters 


Thank you for being one of the first real fully operational production container and helm registries.

VMware China R&D

For making and launching project Harbor and giving us a solid cloud native option for a container registry.

Open Policy Agent (OPA)

Thank you for giving us an out from pod security policies and giving us the next step in cluster security


Thank you for giving us one of the best CI tools and a sweet way to automate build and test software. Thank you to Harness for scooping up Drone.


Thank you for all your promises and for combining several other initiatives under one umbrella to hopefully create one observability  standard


Thank you AWS for offering a service that doesn’t lock us in but that begs us to ask when are you adding x feature.


Thank you for such an awesome product that allows container runtime security. Also thank you eBPF

AMP - AWS Managed Prometheus 

Thank you AWS!!!! 

What CNCF projects are you thankful for, let us know @thnkbig or contact us


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